technologies provides development techs for cg and game industry- enabling rich frameworks, yielding high potentials.

jcoola unreal mazer, is a plugin for unreal engine 5 making it easier for level designers to create and design maze-like levels, enriched with the ability to create Levels and SubLevels at design time, and loading and generating them dynamically at runtime. available soon

jcoola web-api is a very light and robust client-side javascript core framework for desktop and mobile web development. more ...

jcoola face-tracker is a light-weight and optimized plugin for Unity game engine enabling games to be furnished with dynamic user-interface interactivity, accelerating the gaming experience making it a great solution for interactive 3D/2D games more ...

jcoola motion-tracker is designed to detect motion for heavy-load games which require fantastic and optimized frame-rate and the highest response-time that makes it a good candidate to be used in heavy-weight threads more ...

jcoola animation tween library provides best friendly routines to perform tween and animation tasks.

jcoola augmented reality solutions provides platforms to easily put a creative mind into a product using cutting-edge technologies like ARCore and Unity engine. download sample demo ...

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